Acobiom steps up a gear and increases its capital by 1 million euros
The company has decided to raise funds to support its development and commercialize GemciTest®.
Acobiom develops Diagnostics from the R&D phase to the commercialization phase in growing markets (cancer, precision medicine).
The objective of these diagnostics is to provide the right treatment to the right patient.
Acobiom has decided to launch a €1 million capital increase to set up the production and commercialization of GemciTest®.
This blood test is a major scientific advance in the medical and therapeutic care management of pancreatic cancer.

This cancer affected 495,773 people worldwide in 2020 and 466,003 deaths were due to this disease the same year (source: IARC/Globocan).
And the number of cases continues to increase by 2.5 to 3% per year !
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a member of the World Health Organization, has estimated that 657,584 people will develop this disease in 2030.
This is one of the most aggressive cancers, and life expectancy after diagnosis is often only a few months. This is why it is essential to be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for each patient, avoiding ineffective or even harmful treatments.
To address this issue, ACOBIOM has developed GemciTest®, a blood test that identifies patients most likely to benefit from first-line gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
This PCR test, CE marked and patented by the company, is marketed by Eurobio Scientific (Euronext Growth Paris).

From a technical and medical perspective, GemciTest® identifies patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC, a form of pancreatic cancer) whose transcriptomic profile is not favorable for first-line use of gemcitabine-based therapy (alone or in combination). This blood diagnostic will thus make it possible to direct patients towards another more suitable or more effective therapy, to avoid unnecessary side effects or toxicities, and thus a “loss of chance” for these patients.
A recent clinical study, presented by Dr. Noelle LoConte (MD, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin – Carbone Cancer Center), confirmed the value of using GemciTest® to personalize therapies in pancreatic cancer and improve patient survival duration after disease diagnosis.
Following the signature of a commercial agreement between Acobiom and Eurobio Scientific for the distribution of GemciTest®, the company has decided to increase its capital by 1 Million Euros in order to set up the production and launch the necessary steps to successfully market GemciTest®.
The signature of this commercial agreement represents not only the recognition of the quality of Acobiom’s developments by Eurobio Scientific, a key player in in-vitro diagnostics in France, but also a first step for the company, as other predictive diagnostics are currently under development in pancreatic cancer to complement the GemciTest®.
Persons interested in participating in this capital increase are invited to contact Acobiom’s Investor Relations department at the following address: investor[@]
Additional information on Acobiom is also available on the Investors page and the News page.