History and Dates

Precision Medicine - Biomarkers & Diagnostics

Acobiom’s history in a few dates

Acobiom’s history is marked by important dates and ambitious projects in which medical innovation has always been at the heart of the company’s developments.

The beginning

Acobiom was founded by Didier Ritter and Dr David Piquemal under the name “Skuldtech” with the support of an academic laboratory from Montpellier University (France): the Transcriptome Study Group led by Pr Jacques Marti and Pr Therese Commes.

Since 1999

Since its foundation, Acobiom performs gene expression profiles (called also transcriptomes) based on sequencing technology, and analyzed by a proprietary suite of bioinformatic and biostatistic tools. These gene expression profiles are/were realized as part of partnerships and allowed the discovery of several RNA signatures or acid nucleic (RNA/DNA) biomarkers.
In parallel, the company acquires a unique technical expertise in the development of diagnostics based on RNA/DNA biomarkers and/or PCR (or RT-PCR) technology.
For several years, Acobiom is member of French bioclusters and associations focused on Human Health and Life Science (AFSSI, BioMed Alliance, Cap Digital, Eurobiomed).


Acobiom performed the first world analysis of a transcriptome through « Genome Sequencer System », the first pyrosequencing system. The company used its bioinformatic and biostatistic platform to fulfill this analysis in collaboration with Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland). An Application Note has been issued from this partnership.


Acobiom decided to shift its business model to focus the activity on the discovery of Biomarkers and the development of In-Vitro Diagnostics for Precision Medicine applications.


Acobiom patented its first Blood RNA signature in Precision Medicine. This RNA signature is able to distinguish two “subtypes of chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia patients” and “to predict clinical outcome and help physicians to evaluate criteria for treatments”.


Acobiom patented a Blood RNA signature in pancreatic cancer, fruit of a Precision Medicine program, in which a new treatment and its companion diagnostic were developed.


Acobiom patented a second Blood RNA signature in pancreatic cancer that can predict patient response to gemcitabine (a generic drug) and a 15-month medium survival. Based on this Blood RNA signature, the company developed a new In-Vitro Diagnostic test, called GemciTest®.


Acobiom is part of a collaborative program, called Oncosnipe, which aims to develop and apply artificial intelligence techniques to cancer research. As part of this project, Acobiom develops innovative diagnostics based on data driven medicine and circulating (blood) biomarkers. These diagnostics will be able to predict the patient propensity to develop resistance to cancer drug regimens in pancreatic, lung and breast cancers.


The company is involved in the last step before commercialization of the GemciTest® to comply with the CE mark and FDA requirements.


ACOBIOM announces the CE marking of GemciTest®, an in-vitro diagnostic predictive of patient response to a Gemcitabine-based first-line therapy in pancreatic cancer.


ACOBIOM presents the first clinical results of GemciTest® in the journal Cancers.


ACOBIOM presents clinical benefits of GemciTest® at the ASCO 2021 annual conference.

ACOBIOM announces the signature of a partnership with Montpellier University Hospital on heart failure as part of the MeDIAGSTOLE project.


The French Association of Competitiveness Clusters (AFPC) awards ACOBIOM the hi-France label, which is the label of innovative companies in which to invest.

Eurobio Scientific and ACOBIOM announce the signature of a commercial agreement for the exclusive distribution of Gemcitest®, a predictive diagnostic test for response to gemcitabine-based first-line therapy in pancreatic cancer.


ACOBIOM and its clinical partners present the confirmatory study of the clinical results obtained from Gemcitest® in a publication in the Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology: « Performance of a blood-based RNA signature for gemcitabine-based treatment in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma »

ACOBIOM announces the first results obtained from a blood RNA signature enabling the identification of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma most likely to benefit from FOLFIRINOX as first-line therapy, leading to an overall survival of more than 2 years for these patients with locally advanced cancer.

Acobiom's History